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 Creating an Accessible Settings Table Create an accessible settings table using HTML5, CSS3, and a sprinkle of jQuery

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Settings Value
site_title My Site


Media Source Filesystem

Media Source

JS–Driver React.js 0.x


clipsJSON {{"prop":"value"}}


compress_css Yes



Creating an Accessible Settings Table#HTML #JS

The Problem

Configurable software of any kind can find itself in need of settings to be quickly created, found, and edited. JavaScript based management components tend to lack in accessibility; we need a HTML–first solution.

The Solution

In this tutorial we will start with a simple <table> element that will be progressively enhanced to become the hyper–accessible example found above.

Our .settings-table will have 5 settings each with a different input type.

Fundamental Principles

  • Each setting actually consists of two <tr> elements
    • First <tr> is always present and displays the setting name/value pair
    • Second <tr> spans all columns and contains an accessible form
  • For .js users
    • the corresponding .setting-form of each setting is initially hidden using a .js-hide class
    • Some jQuery is used to show the corresponding .setting-form of each setting on focus
  • For .no-js users
    • All settings are expanded to make all forms accessible
    • Each .setting-form contains a standard <form> that supports .no-js users.

Table Structure

Admittedly with an odd approach, this component relies on two rows per setting. Note the use of the classic colspan attribute. This lets our form be greedy and take up the full width of the component. If you add columns to your table update your colspan attributes accordingly.

Source Markup

Source HTML for this example.

Source Styles

Notice the use of the .js-hide class to hide our forms for asynchronous users. We're using a craft :nth-of-type(4n-1) to visually differentiate “every other” settings row. You'll also find a crafty uses of the adjacent selector to display forms and the focus selector to visually highlight rows for .no-js users.

Sprinkle of jQuery

jQuery is used to listen to either a focus or click event and open the corresponding .setting-form. Modernizr is used to detect whether or not the device is using touch input.

Pretty lightweight, eh? Notice we aren't even having to make use of jQuery.hide() or Setting an .open class on the setting row will show or hide the corresponding .setting-form. These two <tr>s are siblings so you may be wondering how this is accomplished using only CSS. We have the adjacent selector to thank for this:

.settings-table tbody > + .setting-form {
  display: table-row; /* display the setting form for open rows */

To support older browsers, we need a few more lines of jQuery to act as a polypill for the adjacent selector.

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site_title My Site


Media Source Filesystem

Media Source

JS–Driver React.js 0.x


clipsJSON {{"prop":"value"}}


compress_css Yes



Try It

Settings Value
site_title My Site


Media Source Filesystem

Media Source

JS–Driver React.js 0.x


clipsJSON {{"prop":"value"}}


compress_css Yes



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